I have Netflix but season 3 isn't on there
My favorite songs from all albums are running out of time, corso, dogtooth, gone gone/thank you
My top 5 on the album are Corso, massa, runitup, I thought you wanted to dance, and dogtooth
Nice PFP too, definitely his best album
I have Netflix but season 3 isn't on there
A kid gets his clothes blown off in battle in s1 e5-6 I think, in s2 e2 a creepy guy flashes kids nothing is shown and he never does but he falls over and his butt is shown. A guy also stalks a girl in ghost form in that episode or the next one I can't remember. Also don't watch s1 e8.
Quick and bref amounts of cartoon butts shown in a few episodes, mostly in comedic sense.
I guy gets stabbed when a serial killer posses his daughter, pretty graphic. People have small amounts of blood loss in battle.
It's a rather tame tv-14 anime.
For violence in season 1 e10 a kid gets stabbed and its pretty graphic for the show, you later find out he's ok and it was just to intimdate the others.
Where did you watch season 3? I watched the first 2 but the third isn't on Netflix.
It could have been 2012 2013 or 2014
Episode 37?